Ealing Fostering Connections finds foster carers for local children, who are unable to live with their families. These children come from many different ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds.
Foster carers are ordinary people who provide something extraordinary to the children they look after. Although challenging, the rewards of helping a child can last a lifetime.
If you have space in your home and in your family then you could make a real contribution to the life of a young person. Don’t rule yourself out without speaking to us first. Change the future.
Our services are set up so that we all work together, without the traditional divisions that are often in place, so we can work in the Ealing way – One team around the child, all there to support you.
In Ealing the children’s social workers, the fostering social workers and our psychologists all work in the same teams, providing a joined up service.
Fostering won’t always be easy, but together we can do it.
Unfortunately not all children are able to stay at home with their families. When a child needs to leave the family home they will first be placed with a foster carer and later will either return home or move on to permanently live with a long term foster carer or adopter.
See our Statement of Purpose for details of how our service operates.
Children and young people of all ages are looked after by the local authority, from new born babies to young people who need support in being prepared to become independent. They are looked after for a variety of reasons which include:
- having been physically, sexually, emotionally abused or neglected
- having a parent who has a mental health problem and cannot manage
- a child or young person is beyond its parent’s control
- family breakdown
- a teenage mother needing guidance and support in caring safely for her baby
- having a parent who abuses drugs or alcohol
- a child having disabilities and the parents needing a break or finding it hard to manage
Whatever start a child or young person has had we want them to be with people who are able to help them achieve the best outcomes possible. Ensuring they are healthy, stay safe, that they are able to enjoy and achieve, are able to make a positive contribution and can go on to achieve economic well-being.

We will be especially pleased to hear from you if you are from one of the following:
- You want to foster and could look after an older young person
- You want to foster and could take on a child with a disability or special need
- You want to foster and have the space and ability to look after a sibling group of three or more children.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.